Hey I don’t like having to pay for the Department of Homeland Security, the Prison Industrial Complex, the War on Drugs or tax cuts for billionaires but I’m tough and suck it up. Maybe Georgia Rep. Paul Broun just needs to woman up and accept we all have to do a lot of things in life we don’t particularly want to do.Boy does he sound insecure and a wee tad closety. Why the panic? It’s like same sex marriage. Just because you don’t need this sort of operation doesn’t mean others should be deprive of surgery they need to function as whole human beings.
From Salon: http://www.salon.com/2013/04/08/house_goper_no_funding_for_sex_changes_because_i_like_being_a_boy/
“I don’t want to pay for a sex-change operation,” said Rep. Paul Broun
Georgia Rep. Paul Broun doesn’t want to have to pay for a sex-change operation. “I like being a boy,” he said last week.
From the Huffington Post:
“I don’t want to pay for a sex-change operation,” Broun told town hall attendees, presumably referring to a proposal, scrapped by the Obama administration late last month, that would have allowed gender reassignment surgeries to be covered under Medicare and Medicaid. “I’m not interested. I like being a boy.”
The comments, first reported by the Barrow County News, are somewhat comparable to those made recently by Sen. Saxby Chambliss, also a Republican from Georgia, who said that he doesn’t support gay marriage because ”I’m not gay. So I’m not going to marry one.”
Broun is running for Chambliss’ seat when he retires in 2014.