From Raw Story:
By David Ferguson
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Friday night on MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show,” host Rachel Maddow discussed the elaborate money-making schemes dreamed up by the anti-government conspiracy theorists currently making a living off of conservative Americans’ fears about the Obama administration.
There is, for example, the Info Wars dating service.
“If you like Info Wars which is a show hosted by Alex Jones,” Maddow said, “If you like Glenn Beck and Alex Jones who says we faked the moon landing and that 9/11 was an elaborate hoax and that it was secretly the White House that bombed the Boston Marathon, Michelle Obama was in on it and there was no massacre at Sandy Hook, they were hoaxes, if you are one of those folks, a conspiracy theorist who believes in the Glenn Beck-Alex Jones view of the world, well, that doesn’t mean you don’t need love.”
Hence the prank Twitter hash tag that appeared late this week, #InfoWarsPickupLines, which featured romantic opening salvos for conspiracy-minded singles on the make like “How about we get illuminaughty and you show me your nude world order?” and “I’d like to shoot all over your grassy knoll, if you know what I mean….” or “What’s your sign? Mine is ‘Trespassers shot on sight.’”
But it doesn’t stop with just dating services. Men like Alex Jones and Glenn Beck, said Maddow, are monetizing their fame in any way they can. If you’re already in a relationship and don’t need Info Wars dating, you can still buy some Glenn Beck pants or some Rush Limbaugh iced tea.
Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), who Maddow “has always counted on the conspiracy theorists to be part of his base,” has now left Congress and decided to get back in bed with the right wing fringe. Friday, he appeared on Alex Jones’ radio show.
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