From Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters:
By Alvin McEwen
Feb. 3, 2014
Reposted with Permission
Daily Caller: “Transgender Dudes” Are Forcing Their Way Into Female Bathrooms – Not that it matters when there is a good lie to sell.
Focus on the Family’s resident ‘ex-gay’ equates marriage inequality with eliminating slavery – Dear predominantly white anti-gay group, your efforts to sow discrimination against same-sex couples (many of them being African-American) is NOT comparable to ending slavery, no matter how many times you claim that it is.
Brookdale to offer same-sex spousal benefits in response to lawsuit – Excellent! Equality wins again!
Agema: Stop ‘Shoving This Idea Down Our Throat’ Of The ‘Homosexual Lifestyle’ – The semantics of the language here is not accidental but carefully planned.